$499.00 USD


Mission Driven Mom Academy Level 1

This program teaches you the principles of better loving God and yourself by nurturing yourself through meeting your needs, increasing your personal power through becoming a creator and telling yourself the truth, and discovering your uniqueness through self-assessments, journaling and more! 
*Price includes lifetime access
Level 1 Includes:
  • 13 principles lists
  • 45+ videos
  • Gorgeous pdf workbook
  • Activities
  • Assessments
  • Study Skills
  • Much more
The course is even better when you complete it with a friend! 
*Want all the details about the program? Check out the full webpage HERE
*Want to hear from more moms? Check out this "Success Stories" playlist HERE


I just finished my Level 1 course. It feels so good! The academy has been a transformative challenge for me. I was excited to read and listen, ponder and make changes. I appreciated Audrey's generalized teaching style that allowed me to fill in the specifics for my own situation (as in she taught principles while sometimes highlighting applications but never forcing us towards one way of action or thinking). She invited me to learn the principle for myself and empowered me to initiate my own solutions in my life.

Becca Allred

I finished the first level of this course and now I’ve begun the second. I’m already feeling so inspired to live a life of principles, seek truth, and be continually better educated...If you have a “mission” in life to be righteous, to please God, to build a strong marriage and family, or any other Godly pursuit, then this curriculum is for you

Annalise Jones

Today, as I cracked open my book, I felt rededicated to the program and my study goals. I can’t thank you enough for sharing your gift with all of us. Every time I get back on track with studies, I feel my vision clarify and my worries and wonders find their proper place. I feel more in tune with my God and a spiritual push in the right direction.

Anndalyn Hobbs